
WC Wisconsin News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Registry shows 336 sex offenders living in Eau Claire County in week ending May 6

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There was the same number of registered sex offenders living in Eau Claire County in the week ending May 6 compared to the previous week, according to the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry.

There were 336 sex offenders registered in Eau Claire County in the week ending May 6.

The Registry shows 281 of these sex offenders are White.

Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely than White Americans to be given lengthy prison terms after being found guilty of sexual assault offenses. Between 2006 and 2017, sentencing for sexual abuse convictions among Black people increased by 1,330.47%, while sentences for White people fell by 8.66%.

Wisconsin, which ranks ninth for the overall number of sex offenders, ranks fifth for sex offenders per 100,000 residents.

A total of 786,838 people were listed on state sex offender registries as of February 2023. This is about a 3% increase from 2022.

Frequently updated information about sex offenders in Wisconsin can be found online here.

Registered sex offenders in Eau Claire County as of week ending May 6

Aaron L. RobinsonBlackCriminal sexual conduct third degree
Aaron S. DiehlWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Adam N. LynchWhiteChild enticement
Adam W. HeldingAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeLewd, lascivious behavior-exposure, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Albert J. LemosWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Albert P. SimmonsWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Alexander James StobbWhitePossession of child pornography
Alexander KotlovWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Allan D. KolveWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Alvin P. SmithWhiteFourth degree sexual assault
Andrew D. GrafficeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Andrew Lloyd OlsenWhiteLewd or lascivious acts with child under 14 years
Andrew N. KlitzkeWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Anthony A. ScholfieldWhiteChild enticement, burglary - building or dwelling
Anthony M. MahowaldWhitePossession of child pornography
Anthony R. TrussWhitePossession of child pornography
Barry H. MertzWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Bee YangAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Ben C. LashleyWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child, child enticement
Benjamin D. AndersonWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Benjamin James DefoeWhitePossession of child pornography
Benjamin L. ParrWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Bradley S. GallentineWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child, second-degree sexual assault
Brady J. BaumgartenWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Brian C. MickelsonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Brian J. LovingWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Brian K. BakerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Brian K. JonesWhiteChild enticement-sexual contact, exposing a child to harmful materials
Brian McintoshBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Brian Michael SavageWhitePossession of child pornography
Bruce E. McilquhamWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Bruce J. RhodesWhitePossession of child pornography, third-degree sexual assault
Bryan W. DuffyWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Carl J. StansWhiteChild enticement-give/sell drugs
Catherine J. OttingerWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Chad A. BoardmanWhiteFourth-degree sexual assault
Chad P. ShifferWhiteChild enticement
Chad P. SpanelWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Charles E. BruceWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 4th degree, criminal sexual conduct 2nd degree
Charles G. BaileyWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Charles KlitzkaWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Charles L. Mc IntoshWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Charles T. KnowerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Che L. DiverAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeThird-degree sexual assault
Cheyenne M. ErdmanWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Chong YangAsian or Pacific IslanderPredatory offense false imprisonment - intentionally restrain
Christopher A. BonninWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher C. KendallWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher D. LyonsBlackRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Christopher RamirezWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher Shannon SkilesWhiteLascivious acts with a child
Chue HerAsian or Pacific IslanderTravel in interstate commerce for the purpose of engaging in any sexual activity with a juvenile
Cj FrankWhiteChild enticement, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Cody J. NorrisWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Connor J. VanceWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Corey Daniel WolfWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Curtis N. AmesWhitePossession of child pornography
Dale LangstonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Damion TurnerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Daniel A. MuellerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Daniel G. MesserWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Daniel J. ChanceWhiteMisdemeanor intimidation of a victim
Daniel L. CottsWhitePossession of child pornography
Daniel R. BarnardWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Daniel R. HarmWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Daniel R. RaetherWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Daniel R. YbarraAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Daniel T. GregoryWhiteChild enticement
Daniel WineskiWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Darion L. MitchellBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Darrel D. LagesseWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Darrell L. SchickWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Darrius D. JohnsonBlackThird-degree sexual assault
David A. BorkWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
David AllietWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
David D. FerryWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
David J. KmetzWhiteDistribution of child pornography
David K. MeierWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
David L. OttumWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
David Lee BagwellWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
David R. De FordWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
David S. FrederickWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
David SandvigWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
David T. BurroughsWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
David Timothy OdermannWhiteAssault with intent to commit sexual abuse, sexual abuse 2nd degree
Dawayne MotzerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Dawn M. FreyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Dean OlsonWhiteChild enticement, sexual assault of a student by school staff
Demetrius J. SimmonsBlackAggravated criminal sexual assault-threat life, sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust
Dennis D. JohnsonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Dennis E. McnabbWhiteLascivious acts with a child, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Dennis QuimbyWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Denny T. CooganWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Derek M. BergerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Don BloomquistWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Donald J. SayreWhiteSexual assault of a child
Dontay Jesse IshamAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeThird-degree sexual assault
Douglas K. RyanWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 4th degree, criminal sexual conduct-4th degree (attempted)
Duane A. SchoonoverWhiteChild enticement
Dustin J. TibbettsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Edward M. SchlorbWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Elaine LechyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Eric Donald HansenWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Eric M. WallerWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Eric N. HoiumWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Erick J. WomackBlackChild enticement, third-degree sexual assault
Erio S. OliverBlackPossession of child pornography
Forrest M. Sr DowneyWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Gabriel D. GullicksonWhitePossession of child pornography
Garry J. JamesWhitePossession of child pornography
Gary L. VidlundWhiteCriminal sexual conduct-3rd degree (force or coercion)
Gary Lee BennettWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
George C. HurdWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, first-degree sexual assault, possession of child pornography
George JonesBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Glenn G. GermaneyBlack4th degree sexual assault
Gordon J. PuetzWhiteDistribution of child pornography
Gregory Thomas TengowskiWhitePossession of child pornography
Gregory W. KolpienWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Guy A. PatrowWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Herbert C. HeathWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Israel M. SnowBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jacob D. EmbersonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jacob M. JeskaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jacqueline J. CliftonWhiteSexual exploitation by therapist
James Earl HinesWhiteRape 3rd degree
James J. KaufmanWhitePossession of child pornography, first-degree sexual assault of a child
James L. CaufmanWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
James M. VanwinkleWhiteChild enticement
James PetersonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
James R. GrassnickleWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
James R. ToyWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
James T. JonesWhiteThird-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault of a child
James W. BakemanAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jamie M. EdingtonWhiteChild enticement
Jamie QuellaWhiteThird-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Jarad J. BischoffWhiteChild enticement
Jared T. SchneiderWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Jason A. BloedowWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason BrantnerWhiteConvicted child sexual offender working with children, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason C. BeavensWhiteChild enticement
Jason TibbitsWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Jason W. MillerWhitePossession of child pornography
Jasxbreen MasseyWhiteChild enticement, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffery M. ScanlonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffery WatkinsBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Jeffrey A. SmithAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSexually violent person commitment, third-degree sexual assault
Jeffrey A. WallaceWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffrey BonninWhiteAttempted 1st degree sexual assault, sexually violent person commitment, second-degree sexual assault of a child, second-degree sexual assault
Jeffrey J. AngerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffrey L. SchillerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffrey T. TurnerBlackSecond-degree sexual assault
Jeremy A. LeeWhiteCriminal sexual conduct - 2nd degree, criminal sexual conduct - 1st degree
Jeremy J. DeenWhitePossession of child pornography, child enticement, cause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Jeremy J. HauptWhitePossession of child pornography
Jerome LeeBlackRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Jody W. LoweWhiteDistribution of child pornography
John A. AshleyWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
John C. KrugerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
John C. LeblancWhiteSexual with child 16 or older, criminal sexual conduct 1st degree
John C. SchickWhiteSexual assault/child position of trust
John D. BatesWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
John D. MaclaughlinAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSexual exploitation of child, second-degree sexual assault, third-degree sexual assault
John R. FyksenWhiteChild enticement
John W. ChristWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, third-degree sexual assault
John W. HolstWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Johnathan M. HutterWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jonathon A. CookWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jordan M. VoldBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Joseph Anthony GilbertWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joseph KnausWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Joshewa BreitzmanWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Joshua B. HowardWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Joshua E. WakefieldWhiteChild enticement
Joshua J. DlamatterWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joshua J. WeichertWhitePossession of child pornography, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Josiah P. PeeplesWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Justin A. CulbertWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Justin Lee RamirezWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Justin M. SchmidtWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Keith D. StoffelWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Kelly J. ArnesonWhitePossession of child pornography
Keng PhaAsian or Pacific IslanderCriminal sexual conduct 3rd degree force-coercion
Kevin B. TwymanBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Kevin John TowleWhitePossess pornographic work, prostitution-actor hires or agrees to hire and reasonably believes under 18
Kevin R. BoothWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Kim Ronnie BlatcherBlackCriminal sexual conduct 4th degree
Kou YangAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Kyle R. GreenWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Larry J. PielWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Larry O. AspenWhiteDisseminating matter harmful to juveniles, child enticement
Lawrence A. Sr GortonWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Lawrence R. BoweWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Lee P. XiongAsian or Pacific IslanderThird-degree sexual assault
Leo A. MillerBlackFirst-degree sexual assault
Leonard B. HollingBlackCausing mental harm to child
Lewis J. TerryBlackSexual assault
Lindsay W. JamesBlack5th degree sexual contact
Lorenzo CrawfordBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Lucas A. LaphamWhiteChild enticement
Luis A. GuevaraWhiteChild enticement
Luke R. LundquistWhiteChild enticement
Lynn RetzWhiteChild enticement
Marcus A. HartBlackSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Mark A. JuneWhiteSexual assault, aggravated sexual battery
Mark D. RiceWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Mark L. McelwainWhitePossession of child pornography
Mark P. StaffaWhiteSexual assault 1st degree, second-degree sexual assault
Martin AbbottWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Martin L. WarrenWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Matthew A. StaadsWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Matthew August BunnellWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Matthew D. WingWhitePossession of child pornography
Matthew H. FieldWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Matthew H. SmithWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Matthew I. HarrisonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Matthew J. BasackerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Matthew J. HoytWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Maxwell W. MunzWhiteChild enticement
Michael A. BurlingameWhiteLewd and lascivious child under 16
Michael A. VerheuleWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael C. JonesWhiteNot guilty by reason of mental disease
Michael D. DemarsWhitePossession of child pornography
Michael D. JohnsonBlackSexual assault, repeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Michael F. HeffnerWhiteChild enticement
Michael J. DouglasWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Michael J. GerberWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael J. HibbardWhiteChild enticement, first-degree sexual assault
Michael J. HinzmanWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Michael J. LakeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Michael J. NaultWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael J. RindalWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael J. SteindlWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Michael J. ThorsonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault, sexually violent person commitment
Michael J. WatkinsWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael L. LeeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child,
Michael P. CookseyWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child, third-degree sexual assault
Michael T. Sr RudeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Michael T. WedlundWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael XiongWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Nathan A. EmmonsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Nathan J. WalkerWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Nathan M. EbertWhitePossession of child pornography
Nathan M. WolfWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Nathan R. DewitzWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Neil W. RobertsonWhiteSexual exploitation of child
Neng N. VangAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Nhia L. LeeAsian or Pacific IslanderFirst-degree sexual assault
Nicholas J. BrunetteWhiteChild enticement
Nicholas L. BardAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeThird-degree sexual assault
Nicole A. FuerstenbergWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Noah R. LaneWhiteSexual with a child age 16 years or older
Ora R. SchmidtWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Patrick H. WardWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Patrick W. DenomieAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeFirst-degree sexual assault of a child, first-degree sexual assault
Peter D. RoushiaWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Pheng LorAsian or Pacific IslanderFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Randy L. WingerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Randy S. MoyleWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Ray C. JacksonBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Rayco N. RichardsonBlackThird-degree sexual assault
Richard A. HovdeWhiteLewd conduct with a minor under the age of 16
Richard A. JohnsonBlackChild enticement, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Richard A. StrandWhiteSexually violent person commitment, first-degree sexual assault of a child, first-degree sexual assault
Richard L. EllisWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Richard P. DussWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Richard S. BittermanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Richie R. AponteAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeThird-degree sexual assault
Rick L. BombackWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Rob A. CollinsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Robert B. AndersonWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Robert C. WilsonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert G. HanfordWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Robert H. ChristenWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert L. BehlkeWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Robert L. MyersWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert L. NicolaiWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Robert M. BandoliWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert ShiltsWhitePossession of child pornography
Robert W. LaroseWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Robin D. SmithWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Ronald A. LewallenWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Ryan C. BestulWhitePossession of child pornography
Ryan L. FlickWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Ryan R. SpencerWhitePossession of child pornography
Sai VangAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Scott A. BrennerWhiteSexual assault of a child
Scott A. KappusWhitePossession of child pornography
Scott J. AndereggWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Sean EricksonWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Seth Z. LehrkeWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Shade E. HarrisonWhiteChild enticement
Shawn A. BanckWhiteUnlawful sexual activity with certain minors 16/17 years old
Shawn GrahamWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Shawn S. CovillWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Shawn T. FossWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Spencer R. KuehlWhiteChild enticement
Stephen J. FranzeWhitePossession of child pornography, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Stephen J. MartinWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Steven D. NazerWhitePossession of child pornography
Steven J. StillmanWhitePossession of child pornography
Steven M. MlejnekWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault, child enticement, second-degree sexual assault of a child
Steven YoungWhiteSexually violent person commitment, second-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Stewart R. EaglemanAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Teng XiongAsian or Pacific IslanderFourth-degree sexual assault
Terry J. StipekWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Terry L. GumsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Thomas Andrew DaviesWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Thomas D'lamatterWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Thomas J. KomroWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Thomas K. BeckWhiteThird-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault
Thomas W. GroatWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Timothy E. EspesethWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Timothy KesslerWhiteTransportation of minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity
Timothy L. LoceyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Todd M. HebertWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Todd S. HalidaWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Toua KueAsian or Pacific IslanderCriminal sexual conduct-3rd degree
Tracy J. HibbardWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 4th degree
Troy A. YoungBlackCriminal sexual conduct 3rd degree
Vang HangAsian or Pacific IslanderThird-degree sexual assault
Vernon J. KlueckmannWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
Victor L. HannaWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Wade L. HansenWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Walter T. MallettBlackBattery, third-degree sexual assault
Wayne M. SimonsonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Will M. MyersWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
William J. O'connellWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
William L. JenkinsWhiteChild enticement
William M. LewisWhiteChild enticement
William W. HunterWhiteSexual battery by adult/victim under 12
Williams E. MyersWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Xou L. HerAsian or Pacific IslanderSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Yusef F. KazemzadehWhitePossession of child pornography
Zachariah D. ShermanWhitePossession of child pornography
Zachary R. ClarkWhiteChild enticement
Zong MouaAsian or Pacific IslanderThird-degree sexual assault, false imprisonment